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Pros and Cons of Shared Office Spaces

As a startup founder, a lot of time you have to cut costs. One of the major rising technique for saving money is by renting a shared office space for your employees. An increasing number of companies are now working together in a co-working environment. Previously this was seen as a freelancing domain but has now become an integral part of all businesses. Find an Affordable shared workspace for rent. 

A lot of tech startups are turning to co-working spaces. However, the question is; Are these spaces right for every startup? Let us take a look at the pros and cons of shared office spaces to make an informed decision. 



During a heavy business day, you have zero time for any distractions. Do you have any guarantee that your coworkers will be in the same frame of mind? Everyone has lighter and heavier days during the business. When co-working there is room for distractions, although with professionals these distractions are kept to a minimum there is no guarantee of what might disturb you. You are likely to run into more people in co-working and thus more conversation. You can find an Effective Bangalore coworking space solution. 

Proximity to Competitors

Each starts up face competition with each other, no matter they work in a different industry. In an open culture, there is always a chance of speaking around those who you might not want around. Although, you shouldn’t be paranoid about this. There are conference rooms, especially for this purpose. 



The most obvious benefit of having a shared office space is flexibility. You have flexible plan option, cost option and space options. This means when the business is growing you can grow your office space quickly without facing many issues. Thus, with a co-working space, you are always at peace of mind. 

Opportunity to Network

When co-working, you have the opportunity to network with other startup founders. Surrounding yourself in the motivational company of people who are struggling with an almost similar thing will keep you motivated and will always give you new ideas to grow. You will always learn from your coworkers. There could be educational workshops and guest speakers’ events too. 

Amenities & Services

Leasing a private space is costly, also you will be the sole person responsible for arranging all the basic things. At shared spaces, you have the luxury of just showing up and start to work without the tension of settling. 

Amanda Peterson: Amanda is an economist turned blogger who provides readers with an in-depth look at macroeconomic trends and their impact on businesses.